The Beginner’s Guide to SEO

Guide to SEO for Beginers in Columbus Ohio

The Beginner’s Guide to SEO

Increase Traffic and Sales with Search Engines

SEO is an important skill to have when creating content online, it can help you get more visibility and traffic. This post will provide a comprehensive overview of SEO for beginners, including how to choose keywords, optimize content for search engines, and create backlinks. Learn everything you need to know to start leveraging the power of SEO today!

Search Engines got smarter. Since paid ad campaigns funded their existence, search engines like Google started putting more effort into having artificial intelligence read websites and web pages and incorporated algorithms to associate the content with what the world searched for. For example, if we were looking for places that delivered pizza 3 years ago and searched the term "Pizza," What would come up would be completely different than today's search results? About 3 years ago, pizza prep tables, pizza equipment, pizza recipes, and pizza delivery were what would be scattered on the rankings of that one search term. Over the past 3 years, search algorithms and strategies have changed. If we searched the same pizza term, different results would come up based on what the search engine thinks we might want based on past search results and clicks.

Search Engine Basic Hierarchy for Success

This is ADDWIRE's Hierarchy of SEO Needs modeled from Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This prioritizes the fundamental page needs for the life of your pages. Our founder Jeremiah Wilson made this Hierarchy pyramid to explain the way SEO should be prioritized for success.

Here is what people should follow when applying search engine optimization to their pages

ADDWIRE Hierarchy SEO Needs

To start, each page should have a foundation. That foundation is what answers the queries of what people search for on the internet. Once you identify what people are looking for, you create the content for that and move up from there.

Try following this easy beginner's guide because when you follow this step-by-step and do this correctly, your pages will soon place on the highest rankings of search engines to be seen by potential clients and customers.

  1. Create Compelling Content - This is content that answers what people are looking for.
  2. Keyword Discovery - Optimize your page by discovering the keywords used to find pages like the one you are creating.
  3. Create Engaging Content - After your compelling content is written and your keyword discovery is finished, you should start creating content that goes alongside this content and links relevant internal pages.
  4. UI/UX Optimization - UI stands for User Interface, and UX means User Experience. You want to streamline these both together so your user can find the information they need quickly.
  5. UI/UX On-Page SEO - This is where you work on loading speeds, and ease of use.
  6. Meta Markup - Adding the finishing touches by improving the Title, URL & Description of your content to draw high CTR in rankings and standing out in SERPs.

This is the beginning of our course, as we add more chapters we'll list them below.

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